
1,noncontrolling interest是什么意思

non-controlling interest非控制性股权非控制权益例句将少数股东权益(minority interests)改称非控制权益(non-controlling interests)

noncontrolling interest是什么意思

2,noncontrolling interest 是啥意思

non-controlling interest网络少数股东权益; 不具控制力股权; 非控制性权益
non-controlling interest 少数股东权益; 不具控制力股权; 非控制性权益; [例句]The second part focuses on non-controlling interest and the theoretical basis of accounting information reported.第二部分主要介绍非控制性权益及其会计信息呈报的理论基础。

noncontrolling interest 是啥意思

3,英语翻译noncontrolling interest 是什么意思是非控制性权益非

可以直翻:不具控制力的股权Noncontrolling interest is a percentage of ownership or interest in a company that is less than enough to influence the overall operation and decision making processes associated with the business. 简单来说,这些股权在公司股本结构的占比过小,对公司的运营和决定的影响极小。
non-controlling interest非控制性股权非控制权益例句将少数股东权益(minority interests)改称非控制权益(non-controlling interests)

英语翻译noncontrolling interest 是什么意思是非控制性权益非

4,noncontrolling interest 非控制性权益什么涵义

所谓“非控制性权益”,即Noncontrolling interest is a percentage of ownership or interest in a company that is less than enough to influence the overall operation and decision making processes associated with the business. 一句话就是,这些股权在公司股本结构的占比过小,对公司的运营和决定的影响极小。
可以直翻:不具控制力的股权noncontrolling interest is a percentage of ownership or interest in a company that is less than enough to influence the overall operation and decision making processes associated with the business. 简单来说,这些股权在公司股本结构的占比过小,对公司的运营和决定的影响极小。

5,redeemable non controlling interests在财报中时什么意思

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:redeemable non controlling interests翻译: 可赎回非控制权益;可换成现款的利息的非控损益 redeemable:adj. 可赎回的;可偿还的;可挽救的;可换成现款的noncontrolling interests:利息的非控损益 Non-controlling interests :非控股股东权益百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
你好!redeemable :AdJ 可交换的;可兑换的 If something is redeemable, it can be exchanged for a particular sum of money or for goods worth a particular sum. 翻译过来就是:可退还的非控制性权益。打字不易,采纳哦!
这样,non controlling 指的是控股 但几乎不拥有对公司的控制权。这部分的股东的股权又分为赎回与不可赎回的,其中,可赎回的非控制股东权益的收益(一般是股息)就是这个分类应计入的。 学生党答案,仅作参考

文章TAG:什么是非控制性权益什么  是非  控制  